A week ago, I got a chance to borrow a RAKWireless' RAK7243C LPWAN Developer Gateway and a few RAK5205 WisTrio modules for a test, and this is my first impression of the products with my understanding on how it works. Continue reading "Lora – Part 1: RAK7243C Lora Gateway"
Author: Henry Cheung
Arduino-Compatible Development Board with ATtiny3217
ATtiny3217 is a modern AVR microcontroller chip from Microchip that could potentially replace ATmega328p that is widely used in official Arduino boards, and here is how I build an Arduino compatible development board based on ATtiny3217. Continue reading "Arduino-Compatible Development Board with ATtiny3217"
A review on Seeed Studio pH and EC Sensor Kits – Part 2
This is the second part of the two-parts review on Seeed Studio's ph and EC Sensor Kits. In this part, I will take a closer look at EC Sensor Kit and how to measure EC with an Arduino. Continue reading "A review on Seeed Studio pH and EC Sensor Kits – Part 2"
A review on Seeed Studio pH and EC Sensor Kits – Part 1
For the past several months, I've been searching for a cost-effective pH and EC sensor kit and I evaluate Seeed Studio's new pH sensor kit and EC sensor kit this week. Continue reading "A review on Seeed Studio pH and EC Sensor Kits – Part 1"
ESP-01 Range Test with ESP-Now Protocol
I recently did a range test over a pair of ESP-01 running ESP-Now, by no means its a comprehensive test, but it gives a better understanding of ESP-01 wireless performance and the ESP-Now protocol. Continue reading "ESP-01 Range Test with ESP-Now Protocol"
Do you know Arduino? – A PROGMEM Practical Example
In previous article we've learnt all about the PROGMEM with simple code snippets. In this article, we will take a look at an LCD library for Arduino that I developed before and see how we could apply what we've learnt on PROGMEM to reduce the usage of SRAM. Continue reading "Do you know Arduino? – A PROGMEM Practical Example"
Do you know Arduino? – PROGMEM demystified
The PROGMEM keyword is a variable modifier, it tells the compiler to "keep this variable in flash memory", instead of loading it into SRAM. Th PROGMEM is useful for Arduino Boards that have limited SRAM, but yet many Arduino users and even some library developers don't use it. Continue reading "Do you know Arduino? – PROGMEM demystified"
A better way to use ESP-01 as WiFi shield
I like the low price of ESP-01, but I don't quite like to use it in my project because its design always make me feel like that I'm dealing with an unfinished product. Over the past a couple of months, out of necessity for one of my project, I was forced to spent some time to figure out a better way to use ESP-01 as a WiFi shield. Continue reading "A better way to use ESP-01 as WiFi shield"
Do you know Arduino? – SPI and Arduino SPI Library
It is important to understand how SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) works in the embedded world because SPI is widely used deep inside embedded systems, ranging from sensor connection, to SD card interface, to even between the flash memory and its MCU. Continue reading "Do you know Arduino? – SPI and Arduino SPI Library"
Do you know Arduino? – Arduino boards and MCUs
When we talk about Arduino boards, the choice of the boards available can be overwhelming, the naming of the boards are often not really helpful and sometime quite confusing. I like to take a different approach to see what are the things in common for some of the most popular boards so that you will have better idea on which Arduino board you are going to buy. Continue reading "Do you know Arduino? – Arduino boards and MCUs"