I recently accidentally bought 5 pieces of thermistor, so I tried it out on both of my Arduino and ESP32 modules, and I have surprise findings on both Arduino and enchanted unexpected ESP32's ADC linearity issue. Continue reading "Using a Thermistor with Arduino and Unexpected ESP32 ADC Non-linearity"
Category: Arduino
How to create Arduino Library from Arduino Sketch
On previous article, I wrote an Arduino sketch for interfacing LCD 5110 display module with Arduino, it is not an Arduino library that can be distributed and share with others yet. In this article, I will explain how to create an Arduino library in 6 easy steps. Continue reading "How to create Arduino Library from Arduino Sketch"
How to use LCD 5110 (PCD 8544) with Arduino
LCD 5110 (a.k.a. Nokia 5110 or PCD8544) display is a commonly available LCD module with SPI interface, by writing our own LCD driver based on its data sheet, we could learn a lot about how the LCD module works and how to write SPI program and save a lot of SRAM memory. Continue reading "How to use LCD 5110 (PCD 8544) with Arduino"