I wrote a shortest path algorithm about a year ago using Python and later on port it into JavaScript, I recently revisit the algorithm and port it into Golang and compare the performance of three versions on two different hardware platforms. Continue reading "Shortest Path Algorithm Revisit with Golang"
Category: JavaScript
Control Raspberry Pi GPIO using node-RED
I wrote about how to control Raspberry Pi GPIO via web browser without using web framework or full blow web server about a year ago, today I'd like to introduce you an easier way to control Raspberry Pi GPIO via browser using node-RED. Continue reading "Control Raspberry Pi GPIO using node-RED"
A node-RED inspired D3 Dashboard Gauge
I recently works on an IoT project which involving of rendering a dashboard using node-RED. I was wondering whether I could build a node-RED inspired dashboard gauge using D3.js JavaScript library, so I built one as a side project. Continue reading "A node-RED inspired D3 Dashboard Gauge"
How to create an interactive transport system map with shortest path algorithm
Recently I build a web application which is basically an interactive transport system map that utilise the shortest path algorithm. The web application sounds trivial but it demonstrates a practical implementation of graph data structure and shortest path algorithm that you probably studied during your Computer Science subject. Continue reading "How to create an interactive transport system map with shortest path algorithm"
How to control Raspberry Pi GPIO via http web server
You bought your Raspberry Pi, and managed to create a python script to turn on/off an LED via GPIO. Then you are wonder "How can I control the GPIO via a web page"? This is a common questions been asked repeatedly on Raspberry Pi StackExchange and Raspberry Pi user groups. Continue reading "How to control Raspberry Pi GPIO via http web server"
How to plot cycling route using Google Maps API and Flask web framework
Other than tinkering electronics hardware and computer programming, I spend a lot of time on cycling, this article combines my cycling hobby with my programming skill and talk about how to plot cycling route using Google Map API and Python Flask web framework. Continue reading "How to plot cycling route using Google Maps API and Flask web framework"
Add Syntax Highlight to WordPress Blog
If you are a blogger and a programmer, the chances are that you will often shows some programming code on your blog. The codes that you shared may not be syntax-highlighted like what you see on your favourite text editor or IDE, but it is easy to add syntax highlight to your WordPress blog using Highlight.js (hljs). Continue reading "Add Syntax Highlight to WordPress Blog"