LCD 5110 (a.k.a. Nokia 5110 or PCD8544) display is a commonly available LCD module with SPI interface, by writing our own LCD driver based on its data sheet, we could learn a lot about how the LCD module works and how to write SPI program and save a lot of SRAM memory. Continue reading "How to use LCD 5110 (PCD 8544) with Arduino"
Category: Sensor
DS18B20 data analysis using Pandas
I wrote about how to collect data from DS18B20 temperature sensor with Raspberry Pi a few months ago, and this is an article on how to do some basic data analysis using Python with the collected DS18B20 temperature sensor data. Continue reading "DS18B20 data analysis using Pandas"
DS18B20 temperature sensor data logger
DS18B20 is a temperature sensor which communicates over a 1-Wire bus that by definition requires only one data line for communication with a host controller. I like DS18B20 as compare to other popular low cost temperature sensors for its accuracy and reliability. According to the DS18B20 data sheet, DS18B20 provides a digital Celsius temperature output with an accuracy of +/-0.5°C in the range of -10°C to +85°C. Continue reading "DS18B20 temperature sensor data logger"