For many makers, a project idea sometime may take a very long time to materialised. This project for creating a STM32G070-based PalpTop handheld took me almost a year, starting from the initial idea, to making the final PCB, and still not 100% completed yet. Continue reading "Build a PalmTop handheld with STM32G070"
Category: STM32
A better way to setup STM32CubeIDE
I have been using STM32CubeIDE for my STM32 development for past a couple of years, and there are things that I like about the IDE but there are also things that I don't like about it. In this blog I'd like to discuss how I setup the IDE to overcome some of the things that I don't like about the IDE. Continue reading "A better way to setup STM32CubeIDE"
How to Install STM32CubeIDE on Mac and STM32 LoRa Discovery Kit
Recently I got two STM32 LoRa Discovery boards(B-L072Z-LRWAN1) for my LoRa project, and I need to install STM32CubeIDE and an STM32 Expansion Package i-cube-lrwan in order to use the board. It took me a while to figure out everything and I thought it would be good to share how I set everything up. Continue reading "How to Install STM32CubeIDE on Mac and STM32 LoRa Discovery Kit"
A review on Seeed Studio pH and EC Sensor Kits – Part 2
This is the second part of the two-parts review on Seeed Studio's ph and EC Sensor Kits. In this part, I will take a closer look at EC Sensor Kit and how to measure EC with an Arduino. Continue reading "A review on Seeed Studio pH and EC Sensor Kits – Part 2"
A review on Seeed Studio pH and EC Sensor Kits – Part 1
For the past several months, I've been searching for a cost-effective pH and EC sensor kit and I evaluate Seeed Studio's new pH sensor kit and EC sensor kit this week. Continue reading "A review on Seeed Studio pH and EC Sensor Kits – Part 1"
Getting started with STM32 and things you need to be aware of
Getting started with STM32 development isn’t as smooth as setting up an Arduino or ESP32 for me for various reasons, and I hope my experience in setting it up, and the things you need to be aware of will help any one interested with this article. Continue reading "Getting started with STM32 and things you need to be aware of"